
标题: Dragon Nest Full Server + Database 70LVL + Tools + Client + mini Guide [打印本页]

作者: ratatatatatata    时间: 2013-11-23 15:43
标题: Dragon Nest Full Server + Database 70LVL + Tools + Client + mini Guide
Hi users!!
Who does not know how to program, that it is not necessary. Files all the workers and working people with brains!
Dragon Nest Full Server + Database + Client + mini Guide!! The most anticipated release!

Server download 1 part

Server download 2 part


NEW Client Download

Mini Guide

1. Dowload part 1, unpack to any folder, copy the ServiceManager contents into dr folder.

2. Download part 2, unpack to another folder, and copy the contents on 0003/Exe subfolder (all exes), into dr folder, overwriting servicemanager exes and some others. and the rest folders, 0003/Config to dr/Config folder, Info folder, and done (Res folder we will talk later).

3. Download SQL SERVER 2008 and install

4.Greate 5 DB - DNGSM, DNMembership, dnserverlog, dnstaging, dnworld

5. unpack DN_Database_adastmin.7z PASSWORD: adastmin

6.Restore - DNGSM, DNMembership, dnserverlog, dnstaging, dnworld

7. create an user DragonNest with password qorhvk!@# and grant privileges db_owner to those databases, you provably have to delete the old DragonNest user inside each database or mssql will show an error.

8.Setup ip for ini files, modify all ips and the path to your dn folder, in my case C:\dn\dr\

9.Edit the XML in system/severstruct.xml, put the right ips, and in exe names part should be like this:

PHP Code:
<ServerInfo SID="1000" Type="DB" AssignedLauncherID="1" ExcuteFileName="DNDBServer64_ID.exe" />
    <ServerInfo SID="1001" Type="Login" AssignedLauncherID="1" ExcuteFileName="DNLoginServerH64_ID.exe"
    <ServerInfo SID="1002" Type="Master" AssignedLauncherID="1" ExcuteFileName="DNMasterServer64_ID.exe"
    <ServerInfo SID="1003" Type="Village" AssignedLauncherID="1" ExcuteFileName="DNVillageServerH64_ID.exe"

10. ADD: Greate PatchList.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><document>        <document><ChannelList channel_name="channel1"><Local local_name="RUS_TB"><login addr="" port="14300"/></Local></ChannelList></document>  </document>
and copy to

11. Go to part 2 previous folder, into Res subfolder, extract both zips, GameRes and, both of their contents should go to dr/GameRes and dr/VillageRes for make the GameServer and VillageServer work.

12. RUN NetLauncherD.exe, ServiceManagerExD.exe

right click on all services and put run.

13. Download and unpak Client

14. Greate BAT file PHP Code:
DragonNest.exe /ip:YOUR IP /port:14303 /Lver:2 /use_packing  


PHP Code:
0 = user , 10 = new, 20 = Monitoring, 30 = Master, 99 = QA , 100 = developer  

Attached Files: dragon-nest-full-server-fix.rar

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Thank you for your help over the work MeGaMaX and Labolet

Click here to view the original image of 767x593px and 2035KB.

if the hands of assholes, than a diamond eye will not help
Attached Files

作者: 沧桑龙    时间: 2013-11-24 10:07
作者: 潇潇雨    时间: 2013-11-29 11:31
作者: 邪恶的存在_小弟    时间: 2014-2-24 23:10
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