TA的每日心情 | 奋斗 2024-7-12 19:41 |
签到天数: 78 天 [LV.6]常住居民II 鲜花( 2) 鸡蛋( 0)
Hello, since I was looking at my mega account, I came across something i've forgotten, a full Diablo 3 Beta client and a server emulator (mooege) working for it.
Now, yes it is unfinished stuff, and moeege got shut down many years ago, but why not share what's left of it. Who knows maybe someone could at least develop it further, even in beta.
Here are the links to client, compiled server and the source as it was at that time.
Server: https://mega.nz/#!3lgzQQ6K!mu796fgb8...r-V7NtE1R0_Be8
Source: https://mega.nz/#!b8RkQQoa!kGnQ6txZP...D0Pl4F75yZ1WRQ
Tool to avoid quota from mega: MegaDownloader_v1.7
Don't ask me what is working or not, its easy to setup, a readme is inside the archive.
It is really bugged but for someone that has knowledge, time and will, it can be somewhat expanded as to working content, even if it's a beta client. The content is in there, the emulation part is only lacking it.